Neovim opening GitHub repos URLs
I have a very useful mapping in my Neovim: gx, which opens the URL under the cursor in the browser. I even wrote a blog post on it: Neovim Opening URLs
I have a very useful mapping in my Neovim: gx, which opens the URL under the cursor in the browser. I even wrote a blog post on it: Neovim Opening URLs
Today I learned that you can embed maps in geoJSON and topoJSON format into your markdown files.
I’ve passed some free courses and corresponding certifications, which I find pretty useful.
In one of our production clusters, we’ve faced the issue of depleting the IP addresses, due to how ENI assigns and reserves IP addresses. You can check out E...
While all commits to GitHub through the web interface are automatically signed, you have to do some configuration to make it work in the console.