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Neovim setting up snippets with luasnip

4 minute read

I’ve wanted to start using snippets for a while, but never actually invest time into figuring out how snippets work. The idea to expand blocks of text/code j...

Using ArgoCD with Azure ACR

3 minute read

If you want to feel the taste of the GitOps approach one of the best tools on the market at the moment is ArgoCD. It has all the features you’d like to see f...

TIL - Kubernetes slow PV mount

less than 1 minute read

During my investigation of Pods taking a long time to start (20+ minutes) I saw following message in Pod’s logs:

TIL - Helm chart-testing custom values

less than 1 minute read

Testing your changes to the Helm chart is a must if you want to minimize the risk of failure. There are a set of techniques, which you may use to validate yo...