4 minute read

If you’re an active user of GitHub API, pretty soon you’ll reach your account’s rate limit - 5000 requests per hour for authenticated user.

To overcome this limitation, you can split your workload among different workloads, use conditional requests which does not count against your Rate Limit or use GitHub Apps(described later in this article).

In any case, knowing your current usage is crucial to prevent service downgrade due to rate limiting.

In this article, I will share my experience on how this data can be retrieved and exported to Prometheus.

Monitoring Rate Limits for the authenticated user.

Rate limits can be retrieved through the /rate_limit endpoint. We’re interested in the core object instead of the rate object(which will be deprecated):

  "resources": {
    "core": {
      "limit": 5000,
      "remaining": 4999,
      "reset": 1372700873

The easiest way to authorize as a user is to Create a Personal Access Token:

  1. Issue a new token at https://github.com/settings/tokens
  2. Use it to send GET request to the /rate_limit endpoint:
    curl -H "Authorization: token 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" https://api.github.com/rate_limit

Personal Access Token doesn’t expire, so they’re well suited for automation or monitoring.

Next thing to do is to configure Prometheus exporter. json_exporter provides all the functionality required to access API with token out of the box. All that you have to do is to set up configuration file and bearer token. Here’s an example of configuration file exporting values in core object:

- help: Total number of API requests in core per hour
    name: github-account-name
  name: github_account_name_core
  path: '{.resources.core}'
  type: object
    limit: '{ .limit }'
- help: Remaining amount of API requests to core per hour
    name: github-account-name
  name: github_account_name_core
  path: '{.resources.core}'
  type: object
    remaining: '{ .remaining }'
- help: Used API requests to core in this hour
    name: github-account-name
  name: github_account_name_core
  path: '{.resources.core}'
  type: object
    used: '{ .used }'

  Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json

    insecure_skip_verify: true
  bearer_token_file: /tmp/secret/github-account-name-monitoring-exporter

Now exporter can be run as:

json_exporter --config.file=config.yml

By default, it will listen on port 7979 and, if you’ve configured everything correctly, will give you following reply:

$ json_exporter --config.file=config.yaml --log.level=debug &
# curl localhost:7979
# HELP github_account_name_core_limit Total number of API requests in core per hour
# TYPE github_account_name_core_limit untyped
github_account_name_core_limit{name="github-account-name"} 5000
# HELP github_account_name_core_remaining Remaining amount of API requests to core per hour
# TYPE github_account_name_core_remaining untyped
github_account_name_core_remaining{name="github-account-name"} 3985
# HELP github_account_name_core_used Used API requests to core in this hour
# TYPE github_account_name_core_used untyped
github_account_name_core_used{name="github-account-name"} 1015

Now you can add exporter to Prometheus data sources and create dashboards to receive something like this:


Also prometheus-community offers json-exporter Docker image, which you can deploy to your infrastructure and tune configuration file as needed. If you deploy to Kubernetes and monitor many GitHub accounts, it may be wise to create Helm Chart(which we did, but I can’t share it here).

Monitoring Rate Limits for the GitHub App

Using GitHub Apps is a slightly different approach to interact with Github API as it uses more complex authentication than authenticating as a user. On the bright side, Rate limits for GitHub Apps are higher, and can reach up to 15000 requests per hour. To get rate limits for the App, you have to use the same /rate_limit endpoint.

To authenticate as an App:

  1. Generate application private key
  2. Get JWT using Application private key(JWT has 10-minute life). With valid JWT, you can access /app endpoint, receiving various information about application and its installations. Rate limits are calculated for specific installation and we need to get that installation_id.
  3. Get installation_id through the API https://api.github.com/app/installations or through the web interface(Click on the gear wheel on the desired installation, i.e. https://github.com/apps/github-app-name/installations/)
  4. Get Installation token using JWT(Token has 1-hour life) and installation_id
  5. Now you can access endpoints, including /rate_limit, using the App installation token

Unfortunately, json-exporter doesn’t support such workflow. But using one of the GitHub API libraries you can write your own exporter. I’ll share how I did this in Python, using PyGithub and prometheus-client.

You can use something like this function to retrieve the installation token:

from github import GitHub, GithubIntegration
def get_installation_token(self, id, private_key, installation_id):
    Return GitHub app installation token

    app = GithubIntegration(id, private_key)
    LOGGER.debug("GitHub app initialized")

        LOGGER.debug("Requesting github app installation_token")
        installation_token = app.get_access_token(installation_id).token
        LOGGER.debug("GitHub app installation_token received")
    except Exception:
            "Unable to get installation token,\
                GITHUB_APP_INSTALLATION_ID or \
                GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_KEY is invalid!"
    return installation_token

With installation token, /rate_limit endpoint can be accessed:

def get_limits(self):
    Return GitHub app rate limits
    g = GitHub(installation_token)
        LOGGER.debug("Requesting github app rate limits")
        rate_limits = g.get_rate_limit()
        LOGGER.info(f"Received rate limits: {rate_limits}")
    except Exception:
            f"Unable to get rate limits, retrying in \
                {GH_REQUEST_TIMEOUT} seconds..."
        rate_limits = g.get_rate_limit()
        return rate_limits

Finally, check out this answer on StackOverflow to have an idea of how prometheus-client can be used to export Prometheus metrics.

Our collect function might look like this:

from prometheus_client import start_http_server
from prometheus_client.core import REGISTRY, GaugeMetricFamily
    def collect(self):
        Collect metrics from GitHub /rate_limits and export them as Gauge
        rate_limits = self.get_limits()
        g_core = GaugeMetricFamily(
            "API requests in core per hour",
        g_core.add_metric(["limit"], rate_limits.core.limit)
        g_core.add_metric(["remaining"], rate_limits.core.remaining)
        yield g_core

Now let’s run our app and collect rate limit metrics:

curl http://localhost:8080
# HELP github_app_name_core API requests in core per hour
# TYPE github_app_name_core gauge
github_app_name_core{type="limit"} 15000.0
github_app_name_core{type="remaining"} 14659.0

And our graphs in Kibana:


I can’t share the whole project, but the information above should be enough to get a good grasp on how to gather GitHub App rate limits and export them to Prometheus.

Of course, to make whole solution production-ready, don’t forget to add tests, linters, pipelines and, if needed, containerize it and create a Helm chart to deploy to Kubernetes.
