less than 1 minute read

I was reading through the list of changes of new fzf version and, as it sometimes happened, found myself in a different place.

This time, it was Key bindings for git with fzf Gist.

Unfortunately, since I’m using fish, those functions didn’t work for me and I’ve to adapt them to fish. Also, I added a couple of fzf wrappers of gh CLI tool.

Here’s the list of functions:

8:function gf -d "Show modified files in GIT directory"
26:function gb -d "Show branches and list of branch commits in GIT directory"
37:function gt -d "Show list of tags in GIT directory"
44:function ghh -d "Show commit history and selected commit diff"
53:function gr -d "Show list of existing git remotes"
61:function ghi -d "Github: View Open Issues"
69:function ghprl -d "Github: View Open PRs"
77:function ghprr -d "Github: View Open PRs needing my review"

And here’s url to fish functions maybe someone will find them useful.
