Kubectl plugin manager
I’ve been aware that there is such thing as kubectl plugin manager - krew. But plugins available didn’t make much sense for me, at least until now.
Lastly I’m digging into nginx ingress and do a lot of troubleshooting of generated nginx configuration files,so I found really useful plugin for that - ingress nginx
With krew
, installation is a breeze:
kubectl krew install ingress-nginx
For me, most useful command is to get nginx config for specified host:
kubectl ingress-nginx conf -n ingress-nginx --host testaddr.local
server {
server_name testaddr.local ;
listen 80;
set $proxy_upstream_name "-";
set $pass_access_scheme $scheme;
set $pass_server_port $server_port;
set $best_http_host $http_host;
set $pass_port $pass_server_port;
location / {
set $namespace "";
set $ingress_name "";
set $service_name "";
set $service_port "0";
set $location_path "/";
You can achieve the same using following bash script:
# Get nginx ingress controller pod
NGINX_POD=$(kubectl get pod -n ingress-nginx -l app=ingress-nginx | tail -n1 | cut -f1 -d" ")
# Get nginx configuration with all hosts
kubectl exec -n ingress-nginx $NGINX_POD cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf > nginx.conf
# Get nginx configuration for specified host
sed -n "/start server \testaddr.local/,/end server \testaddr.local/p" nginx.conf > testaddr.local.txt
But as kubectl plugin, it’s much easier to use and, it seems faster.