2 minute read

I thought that I could publish my CKA/CKAD preparation notes, maybe it will be useful for someone. Mostly it’s a compilation of already existing articles, but somewhere I’ve added my own notes. So enjoy pt 1 - core components!.

Core Components

Master Components

  • kube-apiserver - exposes Kubernetes API on the master node
  • etcd - HA key-value store, used to store all Kubernetes data
  • kube-scheduler - schedules pods to nodes
  • kube-controller-manager - runs controllers on master
    • node controller - noticing and responding when node go down
    • replication controller - keeping corrent number of pods for every replica
    • endpoint controller - updates services with correct pod IP addresses
    • service account & token controllers - create default account and API for new namespaces
  • cloud-controller-manager - interact with underlying cloud providers(AWS, Azure, …) K8s 1.6+

Node components

  • kubelet - agent on each node in the cluster, makes sure that containers are running
  • kube-proxy - network proxy that runs on each node in the cluster, maintains network rules on nodes
  • container-runtime - underlying software that runs containers(Docker, cri-o, containerd)

Kubernetes objects

Object in Kubernetes is a persistent entity which represent state of API primitives(objects). Every object must be described using following API conventions:

  • Required fields
    • apiVersion - which version of k8s API to use to create this object
    • kind - what kind of object you’d like to create
    • metadata -data that helps uniquely identify the object, including
      • namespace - if not defined, used default namespace
      • name - string that uniquely identifies that object in current namespace
      • uid - unique value, generated identifier used to distinguish between objects
      • optional or generated
        • resourceVersion, generation, creationStamp, deletionStamp
        • labels - map of string key:value that used to organize and categorize objects
        • annotations - map of string key:value that can be used by external tools
  • Spec - description of desired state of an object
  • Status - description of an actual state of an object, updated by k8s


Pod is a container or a set of containers in the same namespace. All containers inside a single Pod share storate/network, and spec how to run the containers.Each Pod is assigned with a unique IP address. Containers inside a Pod can communicate with one another using localhost. Usually Pods are not used by themselves and manager by Controllers. In this case Controllers manager scheduling, replication, rollout, self-healing and other capabilities.


Namespaces is a logically separated space which keeps containers, services, network, storage and permissions separated. Namespaces can be thought of as Virtual Clusters. Each namespace can be assigned with a set of resources. Object names need to be unique for each object in the same namespace.

Default namespace can be changed by:

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=xxx


  • ContainerPort defines which port to expose on the pod’s IP address(Basically to which port create NAT rules)


Kubernetes API conventions
